
The Naked Truth about Love

What is love? How do we find love? Can we really find love online? The naked truth about love is that you need to love to be loved. You need to trust that love is there if you want to find it. And you need to believe in the ultimate goodness of life in order for love to arrive on your doorstep. The naked truth about love is that getting naked gets you sex but does not necessarily bring you love.

The naked truth about love is that you cannot buy love or happiness for that matter. The naked truth about love is that there is often more happiness in loving others than in looking for someone to love us.

The Rose

The sad and inspirational song, The Rose, starts with describing love in awful terms. It drowns us, causes us to bleed, and is a hunger we cannot satisfy. Or it is a beautiful flower and the seed for love lies within each and every one of us. The song goes on with the theme of trust. We need to conquer our fears in order to enjoy life, to take chances, to live. The naked truth about love is that it is seldom easy. Things may start out great in a relationship but we are different people and different people have different needs. We need to give love to get love, give respect in order to receive it, and trust in order to be trusted. As the song implies we can get though a long loveless night if we remember that the key to love, giving and receiving, lies within each and every one of us.

Love and Relationships Can Be a Lot of Work

It can be easier to get sex on the first date and to maintain a long and satisfying relationship. If you are looking for romance you will be more likely to find it if you relax a bit and let the other person into your life. That does not necessarily mean letting him or her into you bed right away but it does mean being open to being surprised, letting go of control issues, or letting go of the constant fear of being hurt.

The Naked Truth about Love Online

If you are seeking a happy relationship online, start by taking stock of yourself and getting to like and trust yourself. Post an honest resume. This means do not lie and do not put yourself down. Self-deprecation gets you nowhere. The naked truth about love is that people like you if you like yourself. Confidence wins in dating. That is the naked truth. Look for someone who likes the things that you like. Look for someone who likes to go to the places you like to go to. And look for someone else who likes themself. That is the naked truth about finding love online.

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