
Posts Tagged ‘covid-19’

Consejos para citas pandémicas

¿Cómo puede seguir saliendo con seguridad durante la pandemia de Covid-19? La vida ha dado un giro cuando nos mantenemos a dos metros de distancia, usamos máscaras y evitamos las multitudes.


Pandemic Dating Tips

How can you safely keeping dating during the Covid-19 pandemic. Life has taken such a turn as we stay six feet apart, wear masks, and avoid crowds. As the pandemic goes on it has become clear that even with vaccines coming available in the next few months we will be in this situation for at least another year. Although no one wants to catch a bad disease, relationships are important and we need to find ways to maintain them despite the current situation. With that in mind, here are a few pandemic dating tips.


¿Puedes contraer covid-19 teniendo sexo?

A medida que la pandemia de covid-19 continúa, la abstinencia se vuelve más difícil. ¿Puedes contraer covid-19 teniendo sexo? El sexo es una parte normal de la vida y las relaciones, y ciertamente puede hacer que sea más fácil soportar el distanciamiento social que nos mantiene alejados de nuestros amigos y asociados.


Can You Get Covid-19 by Having Sex?

As the covid-19 pandemic continues abstinence becomes more difficult. Can you get covid-19 by having sex? Sex is a normal part of life and relationships and certainly can make it easier to endure the social distancing that keeps us away from our friends and associates. We break down our advice into two categories, sexual partners […]


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