
Secrets for Attracting the Man of Your Dreams

Like Yourself And He Is More Likely To Like You: Confidence wins in dating. Quiet self-confidence allows your personality to shine. Men like confident women and are commonly turned off by women who are unsure of themselves, clingy, or self-reproachful. Here are a few secrets for attracting the man of your dreams, things to do and things to avoid. Of the secrets for attracting the man of your dreams this is the one you do not want to miss.

Go out for a good time: Always remember that the point of dating someone is to have a good time. Don’t start trying to turn your date into your fiancée on the first date. No matter now attractive he may seem you deserve someone who fills all of your personal criteria and not just looks. Take your time and have a good time. Then you will not scare off the man of your dreams. He will grow to like you and then to love you with each passing day. This is the best of secrets for attracting the man of your dreams.

Be Open To New Experiences: If you want to get to know your guy try doing things with him, things that you have not done before. This may include hockey games, bowling, or skydiving and white water rafting. It may also include hanging out with his buddies at their favorite coffee shop. Doing things together helps you get to know each other and doing his favorite things helps you get to know him. Besides, any girl who is up for skydiving or white water rafting will score high points for the guy who does these things.

Compliments work: Even the strong silent type likes someone to notice what he does or the care with which he does things. Sometimes getting your special someone to talk about himself but it can be rewarding to hear what he really thinks and why he really does things. A verbal pat on the back from you may be the only external reward he gets for some of the kind and thoughtful things that he does.

Dress For The Occasion: Many women dress to impress or compete with other women. One of best kept secrets for attracting the man of your dreams is to dress comfortably in well-fitting clothes that fit the occasion. And, how about wearing something a bit more provocative? If you are interested in his heart on a first date and not a lower placed organ, dress for the occasion.

These are things not to do if you want to attract the man of your dreams.

Do not talk about other women: Do not talk about other women. Do not say good things. Do not say bad things. Do not bring up the subject of other women. The subject on a date with the man of your dreams is the two of you, what you do, what you would like to do, how much fun it is to be together.

Don’t Make It A Habit To Complain To The Man Of Your Dreams: As your relationship grows it is OK to talk about all aspects of your life, not just the fun parts. But, no one enjoys being the person who has to listen to a sad sack all day, and night, long.

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