Say What You Think And Avoid A Cold Relationship
Do you and your boyfriend or girlfriend talk about things or do you hold resentments? You have been with someone for months or years and then, little by little, he or she stops talking. You stop talking. You live side by side but there is little true communication. Talking helps. Our suggestion is to say what you think and avoid a cold relationship like this. But, saying what you think or even being clear about what you think can be difficult regarding relationships. Today our concern is the “cold” relationship, the relationship in which the two of you avoid talking about things that hurt and things that matter. Here are a few thoughts about when and how to say what you think and avoid a cold relationship.
The Short Term Cold Shoulder
OK, he forgot to buy flowers and make a restaurant reservation for your birthday or your anniversary. You stop talking to him as punishment. Your goal, hopefully, is for him to apologize and make it up to you. But, what happens if he had valid reasons to forget? What happens if your approach to problems is always punishment of the adult that you live with? A chronic cold shoulder can lead to a cold, sad, loveless relationship. Our suggestion is that it is better to say what you think and avoid a cold relationship. Some guys can be clueless when it comes to certain matters of the heart. Clue him in instead of risking a cold relationship.
We Never Talk Any More
There are times when couples have been together for so long that they anticipate each other’s needs. There are times when there is nothing new to talk about. This later situation can be remedied by doing new things together. But, when there are unresolved issues in a relationship the silence in the house can be deafening. Maybe you don’t talk about things because you believe that your partner will not listen. Maybe you believe that he or she will never agree to the things that you want, to the things that would make you truly happy. Here you need to say what you think and avoid a cold relationship. If you bring up a sensitive issue and he or she refuses to talk about it bring it up again. And continue to say what you think and avoid a cold relationship.
What The Cold Relationship Hides
Regret, anger, and fear are all too often parts of a cold relationship. Living with these feelings and denying them leads to low self-esteem and outright depression. If you refuse to let this continue say what you think and avoid a cold relationship and its results. We all want and need love in our lives. The answer to a cold relationship is not antidepressants, alcohol, drugs, or an affair. First say what you think and avoid a cold relationship. Keep talking until you break through the ice and regain contact with the person that you once fell in love with. Talk about your problems and work out a solution. Then find some enjoyable things to do together and put a little spark back in your relationship.