
In What City Will You Find the One You Will Love?

Sometimes, going out on dates to find that special someone is like hitting your head against the wall. It hurts and gets you nowhere. Did you ever consider that your lack of success in dating does not have to do with anything that you are doing wrong but rather that you are looking in the wrong place? In short, in what city will you find the one you will love? Of all web sites a business and investing site, Market Watch, lists the best cities in America for dating.

Single people get all kinds of advice for dating whether or not they’re actually looking to change their relationship status – from marketing yourself like a shampoo to who should pick up the check on a first date.

For those hoping to increase their probability for finding their forever mate, the key may be location, location, location. (And education, education, education.)

San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Austin or San Diego are the best cities for someone seeking a man in his 30s, with at least a college degree, who works 40 hours per week or more and has never been married, according to an analysis of the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S. by real-estate website Trulia based on age, how many hours they work each week, their level of education and whether they were previously married.

Those seeking to date women in their 40s, with graduate degrees who work 40 hours or more per week and who may or may not have been married before are likely to find her in Silver Spring, Md., Atlanta, Raleigh, Washington, D.C., or Baltimore, the study found.

If you are looking for someone with the same level of education it may be useful to look at this sort of data to know where you slice of potential first dates may live.

To a degree it is normal to be dating someone with a similar level of education because we date in high school, college or we have just entered the workplace. The pool of available partners will typically have similar interests and a similar level of education. But when we use online dating as a tool to find new people we are moving outside of our immediate peer group.

People with similar levels of education typically have similar life experiences, similar interests and similar levels of income. When you are meeting someone new it can make the business of getting to know them easier when the two of you have more in common.

Can You Move And Do You Want To?

A general physician or lawyer in a middle sized town in the middle of the USA has a high degree of education and may benefit in the dating world by moving to one of the cities mentioned in the Market Watch article. But if either of these people has a lucrative and satisfying professional life they may not want to give that up to start all over again in another state where they will need to qualify anew with board exams and then work to build a new practice. But, when income and job satisfaction are not high it may be just the time to look for that city where you can find the one you will love.

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