
First Date Tips

The first date is the most important as it is the source of first impressions; if it is successful, it can lead to more dates and possibly a good relationship.

Because of this, the first date can seem the most difficult of all, when in reality, the first date confirms whether there is any interest and where the justifiable mistakes committed on the first date have no place. So, what can we do to make sure that we keep seeing that special someone?

However a good first date advice is to be honest, it is very important on the first date to be clear about what you need in a relationship. This time round the awkward silences or uncertainties stand out because you are evaluating the person in detail. It is also the ideal opportunity to ask yourself whether the person in front of you is really what you want.

One of the best first date conversation tips for asking questions on the first date is to use very general questions about topics of interest to both parties. ‘How’s the weather?’ can be a good icebreaker, but asking it repeatedly or talking about it for a long time shows that they really have nothing else to talk about. It is also best to avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or a no: they do not help the conversation to flow. However, the first date does not have to be an interrogation! Your romantic prospect may feel intimidated or think you are moving too fast.

Having had a successful first date, you already have some information about your date that you can use to fuel a conversation. If you have any acquaintances in common, it can also be a good idea to use them to find out more about your date; for example, his/her tastes, where they met each other, his/her interests, perhaps something even more private such as the reason the person is single, or whether he/she is really looking for a relationship and whether he/she has had many relationships previously.

Punctuality is important no matter which number date you are on. Being late is a sign that you are not interested in the person or that you are very unstable and disorganized. Nobody likes someone who cannot organize his/her own life. Being late by ten or fifteen minutes might be acceptable but anything beyond that just shows a lack of courtesy.

A good tip for women on a first date, which can also be used on later dates, is to let your date talk. Many women, when they are nervous, try to avoid silences by talking too much, especially when they are really interested in their date. When a person talks a lot on a date, all it does is confuse the other person and even lose their attention. By being direct and having a conversation in which both participate the potential couple can find common interests that will make the evening more enjoyable.

The important thing on a first date is to show confidence and self-esteem. People who are self-confident attract love more easily. Smiling and enjoying the occasion is an effective way of getting people to fall in love with you.

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