Finding That Special Someone Online
Finding that special someone online can be easy and successful. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you find that special someone online. First of all, not all dating websites are the same. Some cater to individuals who simply want to meet someone and have fun. Some are set up to help individuals of a given religious belief find someone of their own faith. Some online dating sites are free and some can be expensive. Look around on the internet and find the site that looks attractive to you and fits your budget. Finding that special someone will be easier when you narrow down the field by website selection.
Finding that special someone online starts with presenting yourself, the real you on the dating site. A good piece of advice for starters is to tell the truth about your age and post a current photo of yourself. It is always tempting to tell a white lie or two but that usually leads to disappointment when you meet the person. A photo of you doing what you like to do tells the person more about you than a posed glamor shot. Telling about what you do and what you enjoy, honestly, is likely to attract the sort of person whose company you will enjoy.
Some websites ask you to list your height, weight, hair color, and other personal information. List these things if it does not bother you. If it does bother you then use another dating website. Do not lie about your personal appearance. Your eventual purpose is finding that special someone online and then going out on a date. Don’t waste time setting up a date that will fail as soon as he or she sees that you are a 45 year old brunette instead of a 25 year old blond, or a bald fifty year old instead of a thirty year old with a full head of hair.
Finding that special someone on line is similar to your first date. When you meet someone online and start chatting, exchanging emails, or having video chats keep it simple and avoid touchy subjects. Remember you are finding that special someone online and not looking to debate global climate change, race relations, or politics. Talk about yourself and ask open ended questions about the other person. Don’t interrogate and don’t dwell on your or the other person’s past relationships.
Above all, when you are finding that special someone online, don’t feel like you have to hurry. Let the online relationship grow. If it is not working don’t force it. He or she may not be the one for you. There is nothing wrong with chatting with more than one person when looking for a long term relationship. However, when things get serious it is best to focus on that special someone and tell the others know that you are not interested. At that point finding that special someone online is over and building a relationship starts.