
Extramarital Dating Site

Who would have thought that in France, the land of discreet affairs, there would be an uproar about an extramarital dating site? Maybe it is because the site does not seem to be discreet? The New York Times reports on the French extramarital dating site

In a country recently transfixed by the trial of a famous politician that revealed details of his orgy escapades, and where the president was found to be cheating on his live-in partner, an ad promoting extramarital affairs might not seem like such a big deal.

But even in famously libertine France, the latest advertising campaign – evoking the temptations of Eve with a partly eaten apple – for a dating website geared to married women looking for affairs has spawned a backlash and a national debate.

The ads for the dating website Gleeden, which bills itself as “the premier site for extramarital affairs designed by women,” were recently splashed on the backs of buses in several French cities. Seven cities decided to withdraw the ads, and opponents have mobilized against them on social media, providing the latest example of a prominent cultural divide in France about the lines between public morality, private sexual conduct and the country’s vaunted freedom of expression.

The Catholic Church is in the forefront of complaints against the extramarital dating site. Their argument is that the site is in breach of an article of the law written in 1804 when Napoleon ruled France. There were probably extramarital affairs at that time but no extramarital dating site as the internet, not to mention radio, TV and telephones had not even been dreamed of.

Don’t Advertise on My Buses!

The French extramarital dating site put ads on marquees in public places and on the backs of buses. Bus companies have pulled bus adverts after being coerced into removing those ads. France 24 reports the story.

A French website promoting extra-marital affairs complained of censorship on Wednesday after complaints led to its ads being pulled from buses in several cities near Paris.

One bus company, Keolis, confirmed it was pulling the ads for, particularly in the upmarket city of Versailles near the French capital, saying it had received more than 500 complaints in a single week – compared with 900 it normally receives in a year.

Everyone seems to want a hot first date as the result of online dating and it would seem that there are married people who wish to discreetly seek another partner. Despite the public perception that France is rather libertine in this regard, that is not the case as much of French society is quite conservative. Thus many are offended at the idea of an extramarital dating site.

When the Best Sex Is Extramarital

The New York Times again comes to the rescue in help to understand the nature and supposed need for extramarital affairs, and the risk and pain involved. When the Best Sex Is Extramarital is written by a psychologist from his own clinical experience. He details the story of a woman who was having an extramarital affair with a man who then died.

My job initially seemed straightforward: to help Cynthia mourn a loss she could share with no other. But as the months passed I found myself strangely unsympathetic. The more I heard about Neal from Cynthia the less I liked him. He was a compulsive womanizer. He was indifferent to the guilt and confusion that Cynthia felt. He proselytized that everyone lied in marriage, that lying was indeed the key to marital happiness. He made Cynthia feel that her misgivings were naïve, moralistic and old-fashioned. He argued that infidelity was the only way to compensate for the sexual boredom that eventually set in during a long-term relationship.

The story of Cynthia helps us see what while extramarital affairs may be exciting and a great sexual release they can become complicated and painful. Those interested in the extramarital dating site might do well to read the Times articles before posting their resumes.

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