
Archive for the ‘Dating Articles’ Category

¿Puedes contraer covid-19 teniendo sexo?

A medida que la pandemia de covid-19 continúa, la abstinencia se vuelve más difícil. ¿Puedes contraer covid-19 teniendo sexo? El sexo es una parte normal de la vida y las relaciones, y ciertamente puede hacer que sea más fácil soportar el distanciamiento social que nos mantiene alejados de nuestros amigos y asociados.


Can You Get Covid-19 by Having Sex?

As the covid-19 pandemic continues abstinence becomes more difficult. Can you get covid-19 by having sex? Sex is a normal part of life and relationships and certainly can make it easier to endure the social distancing that keeps us away from our friends and associates. We break down our advice into two categories, sexual partners […]


How to Manage a Long Distance Relationship

For years people have dealt with long term relationships. Men went off to wars like World War II and did not come back for years. Men and women often go off to college and leave their boyfriends and girlfriends behind. Knowing how to manage a long distance relationship is important for keeping the spark of […]


Do First Impressions Count in Online Dating?

You always want to make a great first impression when meeting someone for the first time online or in person. You may not be interested in sex on the first date, but you may not want to close the door to early intimacy either. And, you should trust your instincts when something about the person […]


Best Dating Advice Ever

We frequently write about where to get good dating advice. To a degree, what passes for good advice will depend on what, specifically, you are looking for. Do you want a hot first date? If this is your goal, you will need flirting tips and French kissing tips as well as advice about sexy ways […]


¿Qué es una cita exitosa?

La mayoría de nosotros diríamos que una primera cita caliente califica como una cita exitosa. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando sales con alguien, decides que no te gustan y aprendes algo sobre ti en el proceso? ¿Qué es una cita exitosa? La “definición” de una cita es cuando las personas se reúnen socialmente con la intención […]


What Is a Successful Date?

Most of us would say that a hot first date qualifies as a successful date. But, how about when you date someone, decide that you don’t like them, and learn something about yourself in the process? What is a successful date? The “definition” of a date is when people meet socially with the intent of […]


Is Online Dating Really Efficient?

Online dating has a lot of advantages over the traditional ways of meeting people. But, you can get overwhelmed by the number of online dating apps and the number of resumes you may need to sort through. Is online dating really efficient or is it just another way to waste our time? A dear, and […]


You Need to Date a Person a Second Time to Know if This One Is the Right One

In the world of dating, we always tend to think about the first date. Should we kiss on the first date? How can we have a cheap first date when we are interested in someone but do not have a lot of money? Is sex on the first date really a possibility? But, despite the […]


Does He Want Your Body or Your Money?

All too often in the news we hear about a dating scam. A person is looking for hot first date and then a happy relationship. And in the end they are the victim of identity theft. There are times when you need to ask yourself, does he want your body or your money? Three years […]

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