Beware of Tinder if You Want a Relationship
If you want a date use Tinder. And if you want a relationship avoid dating apps. That is the consensus of several dating experts. Huffington Post published an article stating that dating apps make people less likely to commit to relationships.
Experts have raised concerns over whether dating apps are making people less committed in relationships. Speaking on Radio 4’s The Long View programme, journalist Siam Goorwich said: “The thing with online dating and Tinder in particular is that it’s making people less likely to commit.
“Users always think there’s something better out there, so even in the early stages of relationships, people are still going on Tinder and still looking for new partners or a better partner.” “The more choice someone has then the less committed they will become. They won’t put the effort in or give someone a good chance or take time to develop a budding relationship if they know there are lots more options just a few clicks away.
“Once they tire of one app there are always more to try out. This also creates a new problem as it creates a mindset that, even in relationships, as soon as one small problem occurs, it’s ok to move on.” He added that people “fail to develop an acceptance that relationships require commitment and effort” however it is “vital” for people to take time to nurture their relationships and let them develop.
Think of being in a department store and never being able to get to the checkout line because you continually change your mind about what you want to buy. People who only use Tinder or other dating apps to find dates often end up in the same fix, constantly changing partners and never developing a real or happy relationship.
How to Build a Loving Relationship
Happy, loving relationships do not just happen. They are built. Psych Central gives 9 tips for building a loving relationship.
- Create a safe environment where you can trust and share openly without being afraid.
- Separate the facts from the feelings.
- Connect with the different parts of yourself.
- Develop and cultivate compassion.
- Create a “we” that can house two “I’s”.
- Don’t expect your partner to fill your emotional holes, and don’t try to fill theirs.
- Ask questions when you’re unsure or are making assumptions.
- Make time for your relationship.
- No matter what you’re feeling in a situation, channel the energy of your emotions so that you say what you need to say in a constructive manner.
Read the article. It says nothing about dating apps, high speed dating or how to repeatedly find a hot first date. A happy relationship, if that is what you want, takes time and work. Developing and maintaining a happy relationship is also immensely rewarding.
Where Do Dating Apps Fit In?
A year ago we wrote about a dating app that cuts to the chase. If you use dating apps effectively they are like speeded up speed dating. You can meet a lot of people and avoid the ones that don’t fit you wants and needs. However, there comes a point when you need to stop shopping for new people and head for the dating checkout line unless you want to be left in the dating department store running in circles forever and ever.