
Archive for March, 2019

Best Free Online Dating Sites

With the rise of the internet as a means of communication and social interaction, online dating sites followed quickly. Young people who have never had a relationship use online dating as do those who have had relationships that failed. Widow and widowers are using online dating sites to find romance again after losing a lifetime […]


¿Qué es una cita exitosa?

La mayoría de nosotros diríamos que una primera cita caliente califica como una cita exitosa. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando sales con alguien, decides que no te gustan y aprendes algo sobre ti en el proceso? ¿Qué es una cita exitosa? La “definición” de una cita es cuando las personas se reúnen socialmente con la intención […]


What Is a Successful Date?

Most of us would say that a hot first date qualifies as a successful date. But, how about when you date someone, decide that you don’t like them, and learn something about yourself in the process? What is a successful date? The “definition” of a date is when people meet socially with the intent of […]


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