
Archive for September, 2016

¿Todos Los Hombres Quieren Sexo en La Primera Cita?

A menudo mencionamos que el sexo en la primera cita es una fantasía común y para algunos un objetivo constante. Pero ¿todos los chicos quieren tener relaciones en la primera cita? Un sitio web llamado Last First Date, última primera cita en ingles,  tiene un punto de vista interesante sobre por qué todos los hombres […]


¿Quién Paga en La Primera Cita?

Hubo un tiempo en el que el niño u hombre siempre pagaba en la primera cita y todas las citas que siguen. Luego la liberación femenina llegó y eso se convirtió en un tema delicado. ¿Quién paga en la cita hoy? ¿Qué hay de la persona que hace la invitación? ¿Paga o simplemente dividen la […]


What Are the Pros and Cons of Online Dating?

Online dating arrived shortly after the advent of the internet. Is this a better approach that waiting to meet someone without the use of a computer or other electronic gadgets? What are the pros and cons of online dating? Ideally you post your bio, attract a bunch of interested people, pick and choose and end […]


How Common Is Sex on the First Date

Despite our continuing fantasies about a hot first date and even sex on the first date these occurrences are not the norm. How common is sex on the first date? Glamour says not that common to have sex on the first date. Have you ever felt like almost everyone is ditching inhibitions and diving into […]


Do All Guys Want Sex on the First Date?

We often mention that sex on the first date is a common fantasy and for some a constant goal. But do all guys want sex on the first date? A web site named Last First Date has an interesting take on why all men want to have sex on the first date. Men have shared […]


Who Pays on the First Date?

Once upon a time the boy or man or always paid on the first date and all subsequent dates. Then woman’s lib came along and it became a touchy subject. Who pays on the first date today? How about the person who does the inviting pays or you just agree to split the bill, Dutch […]


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