
Archive for June, 2015

Cuídate con la tercera persona escondida

Si desea el éxito en citas y relaciones cuídate de la tercera persona oculta. Una primera cita exitosa se trata de dos personas reuniones y conocer a cada uno y a veces, tener una primera cita caliente. Una relación feliz es entre dos personas. Una tercera persona oculta puede ser la razón de que las […]


Keep a Sense of Humor when Dating

Perhaps the most valuable think to look for when you are dating someone new is a sense of humor. And when times are difficult in a relationship having your own sense of humor is a life saver. The sort of humor we are talking about is called affiliative humor. It is the ability to enjoy […]


Beware of the Hidden Third Person

If you want success in dating and relationships beware of the hidden third person. A successful first date is about two people meeting, getting to know each and, at times, moving on to a hot first date. A happy relationship is between two people. A hidden third person can be the reason that things are […]


Dating Advice from Grandma

A great article in Time offers fourteen bits of dating advice from grandmother. It is all too easy to think that because someone is not young, attractive in part of the in crowd that they do not know about dating what it takes to be happy. The writer interviewed her 85-year-old grandmother for dating advice. […]


Consejos de Citas para Padres Solteros

Si usted se encuentra solo y con niños, es posible que desee comenzar a salir de nuevo. Usted puede estar empezando a salir con nuevas personas después de un divorcio o incluso después de la muerte de su pareja. A veces dejamos relaciones abusivas y a veces lo que tuvimos era tan hermoso que pensamos […]


Single Parent Dating Tips

If you find yourself single and with kids you may wish to start dating again. You may be dating after a divorce or after the death of your spouse. Sometimes we leave abusive relationships and sometimes what we had was so beautiful we think we will never find that kind of love again. No matter […]


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