
Archive for August, 2014

Bring The Romance Back

The two of you have been married for seven years. You have two healthy children. He has a good job and prospects for advancement. You have gone back to work now that your second child is in day care. The two of you are busy with work and the kids and life is good, except… […]


Relaciones agradables

¿Cuando sales en citas está buscando relaciones agradables o simplemente pensando en cómo conseguir sexo en la primera cita? Ambos son posibles, pero no siempre con las mismas personas. Nuestro consejo repetido es ir a una cita para pasar un buen rato, socializar, conocer a alguien nuevo y dejar que los aspectos más graves de […]


Seduction or Relationship

When you go online in hopes of meeting someone, what sort of situation are you looking for? A hot first date is always a great fantasy but if you want sex there is typically a bit of seduction involved. And if you want the sex to continue a relationship will develop. Alternatively you can meet […]


Encuentra a tu compañero de vida

Cuando salimos a una cita queremos pasar un buen rato. Es bueno que estemos interesados en una primera cita, una aventura sexual. Pero, al final es el punto de salir con alguien encontrar a su pareja para toda la vida. ¿Quién es esta persona? ¿Es él o ella divertido, inteligente, un trabajo duro, sexy o […]


Enjoyable Relationships

When you go out on dates are you looking for enjoyable relationships or just thinking of how to get sex on the first date? Both are possible, but not always with the same persons. Our repeated advice is to go out on a date to have a good time, socialize, meet someone new and let […]


Find Your Partner for Life

When we go out on a date we want to have a good time. We may well be interested in a hot first date, a sexual adventure. But, in the end the point of dating someone is to find your partner for life. Who is this person? Is he or she funny, intelligent, a hard […]


How to Avoid Being a Serial Dater

Most people go out on dates because they want to find someone that they like. Most folks would like a little sex, or maybe a hot first date and a lot of sex. And most folks would like to develop a relationship that includes friendship, love and having a life together. And sometimes people get […]


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